A New Horse
It is vital to the future of our country that we replace the current, flawed system of education with something new that will educate our citizens to live and prosper in the world today. The Level Mastery System is a system that completely changes the way we think of public education. In order to fully understand and embrace this system, we must first erase all the preconceived notions of what public schooling is: that public schools must be run like prisons, that children must learn each task at exactly the same time and in the same manner, that public schooling should replace parental control and responsibilities, and that students need to be institutionalized and given identical educations.
The Level Mastery System would completely replace the current system; it would throw out the proverbial “dead horse” and replace it with a new dynamic one that can, in turn, be replaced as needed before it dies. Only in this way can the system be turned around and made viable for educating students in the 21st century and beyond.
It is time for all the skeptics and the people who are afraid to make a real change to leave the dead horse where it lies and embrace a new one.
The Level Mastery System would completely replace the current system; it would throw out the proverbial “dead horse” and replace it with a new dynamic one that can, in turn, be replaced as needed before it dies. Only in this way can the system be turned around and made viable for educating students in the 21st century and beyond.
It is time for all the skeptics and the people who are afraid to make a real change to leave the dead horse where it lies and embrace a new one.